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Cart Discount Message Settings

Allows you to display a custom message on the Cart Page to thank your customers for their purchase or share useful information

Ana Bunaiasu avatar
Written by Ana Bunaiasu
Updated over a week ago

The Cart Discount Message is an optional Bundle Bee functionality that allows you to display a custom message on the Cart Page to let your customers know their discount will be applied at checkout or simply thank them for their purchase.

This can be enabled from the app’s Setting page.

Default Settings

By default, the font family, type and size will automatically be those of your theme. The default message displayed will be:
Thank you for claiming our bundle offer! The discount code will be automatically applied at checkout.

The positioning of the message will be immediately underneath the Checkout button of your Cart Page, aligned to the right.

Please note: You can use the cart price feature as well to also show the actual discount applied in the cart page. The two features (discount price and discount message) can be used together but please check how this will look and make sure you are happy with the positioning and design. For more information check out our article on Cart Price Display Settings.

Available Customizations

You can limit the customizations to simple changes such as choosing a different font type, style size, or color that will make the message pop and stand out for your customers. As with bundles, all your customizations can be previewed before going live to make sure you’re happy with the look.

You can also customize the message itself, the alignment, as well the relative positioning of this message on your cart page using our dynamic injector. The injector will allow you to select any element on the cart page that you want to position your message relative to. To make it easier to make your selection, when you hover over an element this will be highlighted with an interrupted green line as shown below.

Once you’ve selected your desired position return to the cart page and make sure everything looks right. If you make a mistake, change your mind or want to reposition your cart message, simply re-use the injector to select a new position. In the video you can see how we use the dynamic injector to position the cart message below the checkout button.

Please note: If enabled, the cart discount message will be the same and it will appear for all your claimed bundle offers so when customizing, we advise that you keep this consistent with your theme and Cart Page design rather than with the design of an individual bundle.

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