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How to create a bundle offer
How to create a bundle offer

A step by step guide on how to create a bundle offer

Ana Bunaiasu avatar
Written by Ana Bunaiasu
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Setup Your Bundle

To start creating a bundle offer go to Bundles and click the Add New Bundle or use any Add New Bundle button. You'll first need to give your bundle a name and optionally, add any tags you think may make it easier for you to browse through and sort bundle offers in the future.

The first section of the bundle creation will require you to select the Bundle Specificity Level.

The Specificity Level will allow you to choose between creating offers that include a specific product with all or some of its variants (Product Level) or specific variants of a product instead (Variant Level).

In the image below you can see how creating a bundle at a Product Level allows your customers to select between the available variant options to redeem the offer. You still have full control over which variants to include or exclude from the offer, but the product will be displayed as one singular item.

Choosing Variant Level allows you to select specific variants that will then be displayed as individual items as part of a bundle offer. This also allows you to adjust the quantity levels required to redeem your offers at a specific variant level rather than at the product level and its particularly useful if you are left with higher stocks from variants that are maybe less popular. For more information, please check out our help articles on Custom Bundle Offers and Tiered Bundle Offers.

Once you've selected specificity your must choose the Bundle Offer Type. Custom bundle offers are suitable for FBT, Shop the Look, Related Products and Mix and Match. Tiered Bundle Offers are suitable to create sliding offers, discount breaks and volume discounts for better claim rates.

Under Bundle Display you can select the pages you want the bundle to be shown on. By default, the bundle gets displayed on all product pages for each of the products included in the offer.

You can also choose to display your bundle on any page on your website such as any Product page, Collection page, Home Page, or Cart Page.

Clicking Products opens up a new pop-up that allows you to select any product pages on your website, even those for products not included in your offer.

If you select the 3rd embedded code the app will generate a code that you can use to inject the bundle anywhere in your theme’s liquid file. This will be generated at the very end, once you finish creating and designing your bundle. Please only use this option only if you are comfortable with editing the code in your store’s theme.

Step2: Select Display Structure

Custom Bundle Offers allow you to choose between 3 display types depending on where you want to position the bundle.
Please note: If you’re planning on positioning the bundle offer in the Product Details section of the Product Page we recommend using the Vertical structure to fit narrower sections of the page.

The Tiered Bundle Offer allows you choose between 5 different display types depending on the placement of the bundle offer on the front end of your store.

Step 3: Choose Products

The next step allows you to select any products or variants to be included in the offer and adjust the quantity for each. If you selected the Product Specificity Level option in the previous step, you’ll be able to change the quantity at a product level while variant specificity allows you to change the quantity at a variant level.

After selecting the products and respective quantities you can select the discount type ( %off, fixed price, free shipping etc). For more information on what types of discounts you can create please check out the following article.

You can optionally select a date range in which the bundle will be available or alternatively, leave this blank to have it working from the moment you launch until you disable the bundle offer manually.

One feature that you may want to use is the No variant selected by default, which if selected, will force your customers to select a variant of the products included in the bundles to avoid bundle claims in variants that are not what your customers wanted. This is specifically useful for clothing stores or stores in which variant choice is important.

After editing that message and you save and launch your bundle, you can go to the page on which you display the bundle offer. If you were to try to claim that bundle without selecting a variant you will see a pop-up with the error text you customized. If you select a variant the claim button will redirect you to the page you set by default in Settings.

Step 4: Build Offer

You can fully customize the look of your bundle offer with just one click by using our Style Presets. We offer a collection of fully customization styles that automatically apply to any bundle offer you create. You can also create presets of your own and save them under the My Presets database.

If you choose the manual customization functionality you'll start with customizing the text visible in the bundle offer. The Button text and the Tier Title text will also be customizable in the following steps in the sections dedicated specifically to each of these buttons.

You can also customize the look of the product images. You can add a border, create a 3D effect with the Shadows and Blur and also round the corners if wanted.

The next step is customizing the look of the button. We offer many customization options for both the look and the text. You can adjust the size and position of the button, as well as apply a range of preset gradients from UI Gradients. This database offers professional color combinations and gradient orientations to make your button look perfect.

You can also add animations such as shake, pulsate and a glow effect to make your button stand out and draw your customers' attention to the bundle offer. This step is optional.

The last customization is the Tier Offer Customization. Here, you can edit design elements specific to Tiered Offers, such as the title. Depending on the design display, you may also have the option to customize the border of the tier title - this applies to the Elegant Tier Switch display style.

With the customization complete, the last step is to inject the bundle into the page and launch it. For this step we recommend you check out our detailed Complete guide to bundle injection help article.

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